Thursday, August 25, 2011


The day finally came. I got my first pair of glasses.

I always bragged on myself and my wonderful vision to my family. My whole life, everyone in my family except my grandfather (who got lasik) wore glasses and I didn't. Well, such is not the case anymore. The past few years, I have been noticing significant eye strain when reading for only a short time. As an avid reader, this annoyed me so, I finally did the deed and got my eyes examined.

Turns out, I suffer from a minor astigmatism and a weakening focusing muscle or something like that. I was given a pair of glasses with a bare minimum prescription and WOW I never realized what I had been missing. It's funny. You get so used to how you see the world, you don't realize that maybe not everyone else sees it that way and you might be missing something.

It has been a few weeks since I got my glasses now and I still am not fond of them. Turning my head everywhere and only having a limited field of view is bothersome to say the least. I was told that lasik on both eyes can run 2,000-3,0000 dollars. Time to start saving.

On the other hand, my wife says I look sexy with my glasses on...

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