Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome President Obama

I may not have voted for him but I'm happy to see that Americans all over voted based on who they believed more capable of leading our nation and didn't vote based on race. Our new president comes in at an incredibly tough time of economic hardship, wars, and political instability. I hope and pray that he will keep his vision for America and not let the politics get in the way. Hey we have had a few good Democrats after all.....FDR anyone?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The World is Going to End in 2012!! OH NOES!

Is it just me or is there much more "Armageddon mania" going around since new years than normal? Every time I turn on the History Channel or National Geographic, there is some crazy show on the end of the world and how Nostradamus has predicted that our demise is but 3 years away? Gimme a break.

First of all, I am much in the same ballpark as Steven Hawking who believes that the Earth is very close to its end...at least mankind is. A good article on his feelings toward our soon to be demise can be found here . While I'm not the first to hop on the climate change bandwagon, I fully agree that mankind has its finger way to close to the trigger button of a nuclear disaster.

So does that mean that we are moments away from certain destruction? Yep. Then again....how is that anything new? We and all life on Earth are always at risk. Remember that meteor that hit the Yucatan Peninsula hundreds of millions of years ago? The fact is that there is no way we can prevent all the possible disasters that are bound to strike humanity in the future. Yes we can prepare for certain disasters like Solar flares and rogue meteors and we should but again, nothing is certain.

Now about this Nostradamus crap. The key to being a great prophet is being as vague as possible so as to be able to cover your tracks no matter what happens. WAIT! I'm getting a message...I am having a vision. Yes I see now. This year the Earth will shake. Buildings will fall and many will die. The sky will blacken with fires and there will be great suffering. Hey I must be psychic. Of course maybe I'm not and maybe I just predicted a natural disaster that happens all the time. My point is that prophecy and prediction is a dangerous line to walk. The Bible says that no man knows the day or the hour. I'd say I agree with the Bible on that one. Nobody knows when, how, or if the world will end for sure. Instead of worrying about it, let's try to improve the world we live in and improve ourselves. We need to stop being afraid of the future and get to work on improving it.

Oh and sorry about the delay between this and my last blog. It has been Christmas break and as a teacher I get 3 weeks off. Funny thing is that I find more time to blog when I don't have spare time haha.